Herbs Used

Image Herb English Hindi Scientific Name Description
Turmeric Turmeric Haldi Curcuma Longa The root of this herb is used as a colouring and flavouring agent in many Asian Countries. Growing in the wild of South Asia these herbaceous plants are widely used for Ayurvedic treatments and dye extraction. Obtained in liquid or powder form, the turmeric dye leaves behind a range of soothing yellow shades. As herbal dyed fabric can absorb the medical properties of herbs, any fabric dyed with turmeric will have the power to head and soften the skin.
Alum Alum Phitakeeri Postassuim Alum Alum is a natural mineral which has been used in the dyeing industry since Middle Ages. Any fabric dyed with an herbal colour is first dipped in alum to prevent the bleeding of the colour and also to improve the fastness of the dye.
Soap Nut Soap Nut Reetha Sapindus detergens Soap nut as the name suggests is a natural cleanser and it plays a very important role in Indian dyeing and printing process as the fabric is dipped in soap nut for the removal of starch and other impurities. Moreover it is an important ingredient in the field of Ayurvedic Science and is good for cleansing hair and skin.
Sea Salt Common Salt Samudree Namak Sodium Chloride Sea Salt is a salt obtained from the sea water and is an important constituent in organic dyeing as it helps in better penetration of the dyestufff into the fabric. Sea Salt is obtained through the evaporation of Seawater. It is generally added to the dye bath after bleaching and before the dyeing process starts.
Tamarind Tamarind Imli Tamarindus indica Indigenous to Africa, tamarind tree is cultivated around the globe for its fruit. However to dyers it is a natural mordant and can be event used in catalysing iron extraction. To improve fastness, herbal dyed fabrics can be first dipped in tamarind paste to prevent the bleeding of the colour. Apart from this, tamarind eases stomach disorders and helps better digestion.
Pomegranate Pomegranate Anar Punica granatum Originating in Iran, Punica Granatum or Pomegranate has been cultivated since ages for meals and beverages. However the rind of the fruit is a very important source of dyestuff and know to yield a variety of shades. On boiling and mordanting, the peel of the fruit leaves behind an array of earthy colours. Skin of the Pomegranate is rich in vitamin C and is a natural sun blocking agent. Moreover it moistens the skin and delays ageing and wrinkles.
Onion Onion Pyaz Allium Cepa Cultivated for over 7000 years, Onion bulbs serves the culinary purposes of every households, however the peel of onion is a rich source of dye stuff. Obtained in solution form, the dyestuff leaves behind a range of earthy tones. Onion skin can reduce blood pressure and help in preventing heart diseases.
Myrobalan Myrobalan Haritaki Terminalia chebula Haritaki is a fruit bearing tree, indigenous to South East Asia and is known for its medical properties. However, to the dyers it is a great source of organic dye. Obtained in a powder form, the fruit of Myrobalan tree leaves behind soothing shades of yellow and green. Haritaki is widely used to cure constipation and high blood pressure.
Marigold Marigold Genda Tageteae Native to North and South America, a marigold has been cultivated around the world for food colour. Moreover it has certain anti bacterial properties which help in restoring the nutrition of the soil. However to the dyers it is an important source of yellow colour. On boiling the petals, the flower leaves behind a yellow dyestuff. Moreover marigold is known to cure skin infections and insect bites.
Madder Madder Majeeth Rubita tinctorum Known for the Turkey red colour, Rubia tinctorum is an evergreen pant growing around the globe. It has been used as an important source of dye since Indus Valley Civilisation. Generally the root of the plant is used in dried form but can also be extracted by the process of fermentation. Moreover, Madder is know to cure kidney disorders.
Iron Iron Loha Ferrum Iron is a very ancient mineral, known for its immense contribution to the industrial revolution. However it is also essential to dyers as it is a natural mordant and is very helpful in achieving darker shades of any colour. The dye is extracted by boiling rusted iron in warm water and sometimes catalyst like vinegar is used to speed up the extraction.
Indigo Indigo Neel Indigofera Tinctoria Growing in the tropical region around the globe, Indigo has been cultivated since ages for its dyestuff. Obtained through the fermentation of leaves, Indigofera Tinctoria yields a soothing blue pigment. In the field of homeopathy, Indigo is called as “mother tincture” and is known to cure arsenic poisoning, liver disease and insect bites. In addition to these, in ancient India newborn were swaddled in indigo dyed cloths to keep the pest and mosquitoes away for the baby.
Palash Palash Palash Butea monosperma Growing in the tropical and subtropical region around the world, Palash has been used for ages in the making of organic holi colours. The dyestuff is extracted either by boiling the flowers or simply by grinding the dry flowers. Moreover Palash is known to cure ulcer and intestinal infection.
Cow Dung Cow Dung Gobar Cow Dung is extensively used as manure and in the generation of biogas. In Indian technique of dyeing and printing, it plays a very important role as the fabric is first dipped in cow dung for the removal of the stretch as well as for the bleaching effect that the enzymes have on the fabric. This helps in better penetration of the bye. Cow dungs has been mentioned in ancient text as a cleansing agent and is an important ingredient in Ayurvedic treatments.

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